Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Installing CHDK to your S5 (1-4 GB SD Cards only, not SDHC)

  • Download CHDK from CHDK for S5 Downloads and save it to your desktop for easy access.
  • Download the bootable.zip file to make your SD card bootable for the camera.
  • Format your card in your camera to clear it off.
  • Remove your SD card from your camera and insert it into your card reader on your computer. This won't work if the card is left in the camera and the camera connected. The card must be removed.
  • Unzip the bootable.exe (you can ignore the .c file) to your card. Also, note the drive letter for your card.
  • Start a command prompt by going to Start/All Programs/Accessories/Command Prompt. Navigate to your card's drive letter by type the drive letter, a colon and press enter. (ie. f: <enter>)
  • Type bootable [drive]: where [drive] is replaced by your card's drive letter.
  • Now your card is bootable for the camera.
  • Extract the DISKBOOT.BIN file to your card. Do not extract it to any folders on your card.
  • Remove your card from the reader and make sure you slide the read only switch on the card to read only or lock.
  • Reinsert it into your camera and turn it on. If you see a blue box pop up and extra information showing on your screen, you've done it correctly.

    Anonymous said...

    Your tutorial is excellent. It solved may doubts I had about CHDK.

    I have to add that I have a 4GB SDHC card and it works for me. I formatted the card with FAT instead of FAT32

    I2k4 said...

    As Angelo says, 4G SDHC works fine, the best way to install is with a little application called "cardtricks". Directions and links here:


    Leo said...

    this tutorial is very interesting, but I would like for example in a tutorial of detailing a script, each step, writing that makes every line of the script


    Anonymous said...

    Leo, just go to the main CHDK Wiki site. At the very beginning of the project's creation I wrote an extensive tutorial just for scripting with µBASIC


    Joyce Spence said...

    Nice Tutorial. It explains each steps clearly. Carry on posting such a nice tutorials for users benefit.